About Us

The Addison Arbor Foundation (AAF), founded in 1995, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a broad charter to promote and enhance landscaping, public art, public parks and parks and recreation programs of the Town of Addison.  In addition to art and landscape projects,  AAF administers the Community Garden for the Town.

Before 2009, the Town of Addison held the organization’s funds and the AAF board consisted of Town employees that were  nominated and elected by the Town Council. In 2009, the Town of Addison passed a resolution to remove the Town’s oversight of AAF and to establish AAF as independent entity with an independent board of directors.

Over the years, both private and public donations have been raised to support landscaping and art projects within the Addison community.  The Town of Addison has provided grants to help fund us.  These grants have been supplemented through the generous donations of our residents and businesses.  Without this additional funding, our ability to bring new plants, trees and art to Addison would be limited. AAF strives to keep its operating costs low and does not pay salaries or administrative fees.

Our working Board performs all administrative functions and coordinates with the Town and artists on public art projects.   AAF continues to work with the Town of Addison and the community to identify new public arts and landscaping projects.  Public arts projects include:

  • New art work commissioned and purchased by AAF.
  • Existing art work that has been purchased, donated or decommissioned.

In all cases, the AAF team approves the design of new pieces and oversees the restoration of existing pieces (if necessary), installation, lighting and landscaping for these projects.

AAF Board of Directors

The Foundation Board is currently comprised of nine directors and a Town Council liaison that live or work in Addison.   Dan Liscio is the AAF Town Council Liaison.

Current members of the Board are:

  • Jay Ihrig, President
  • Judye Murray, Secretary
  • Yasue Kulhanek, Treasurer
  • Barbara Papas, Vice President
  • Judy Barrett
  • Margie Gunther
  • Jonathan Morgan